Friday, April 16, 2010

Baby Cason

We all could use some hope!

On April 14th at 5:15 p.m. we added Claire Hope Cason to our family. She was a chunky 7 pound 13 ounces.

We have had Claire checked and checked again for signs of a heart problem and so far things are looking good. We will do an echo in about two months.

The girls loved seeing her. Even Ellie was happy to see her. Ellie was nervous and did not like to be at the hospital. Can't blame her though.

Becca let me go to the movies and to get a bite to eat with Josh for my Birthday. Thanks Becca it was nice to get a break from the hospital.

Posted By Nathan Cason


  1. congrats you guys! so happy for you that she is healthy and chunky :). hope all is well with all of you!

  2. That is so great! I am happy all went will, i know it will continue to do so :) You guys are amazing! Cute pictures, i love that one of Ellie's 'what's going on' face. So cute!

  3. You have the cutest family! I love the pictures! And CONGRATULATIONS on your new baby girl. What a beautiful name. Take Care.

  4. Claire Hope is beautiful and chunky.

  5. She is so cute. Way to go! I am so glad to hear everything is looking good, for Claire.

  6. Congrats, I am so excited for you and your family, glad to hear all is going well.

  7. Congrats you guys! Where are you? We need to come visit!

  8. Congratulations!! She does give me hope - I am so scared to get pregnant again after Aliyah's defect, but Claire's sweet face reminds me that anything (especially good things) are always possible. Kiss her for me!

  9. Oh yay!! Congrats! I am so so happy for you guys. What a good day! I guess it was a few days ago.. but still.. how neat! She is precious.

    Now we can email about how crazy we are with heart babies and newborns!

